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Name: Hokulani

Nickname: Hoku

Age: ???

Gender: Female


Rank: Daughter of the Sun

Mate: - Kaiholo

Cubs: - 


Element: Fire - To tame and control fire, helped lead the pride to paradise.


Hex Code:  #B9E534, #DB6F28, #E38E4F

#F9EABF, #763B0F, #BD0703

The Longing for a Family

Kaiholo was laying on his back with Hoku snuggled up, their manes intertwines and Kai nuzzled his cold nose into her mane. It was nice and warm and with Hoku natural body heat do to her gift from the sun allowed her to keep them both warm during the brisk winter day. Their rather fisty little daughter was off with the other cubs playing. "You know your daughter was in a fight the other day with one of the other cubs." She said and licked Kaiholo's for-head. He let one eye open as he looked into her stunning green eyes. "Who, Leilani?" He said not to shocked that this was the case. "She was standing up for one of the weakers cubs and took on the bully on her own. It sounds like she won to. Of course I told her that even though her intentions where heroic. Its not nice to fight others." Hoku rolled over and looked at her mate who seem to have a bit of pride on his face. "Well she dose take after you my dear, willing to aid those in need." He said and chuckled. Hoku somewhat scuffed at the thought and shook her head. Kaiholo got up and pressed his head agenst hers and playfully bit her ear and tugged on it. She chirped and wiggled around trying to hid as he nipped at her playfully. "My dear what has gotten into you." She said laughing. He shrugged and sat back down. "Just being loving" he insisted looking as though he was up to no good and batted his eyes. Hoku rolled her eyes and then closed them, next she new she was pounced on then there was a tumble and they played for a bit because one of them stumbled and they both fell. There was a roar of laughter and Hoku shook her mane out of her eyes. "You know its a shame that  we only have Leilani..It would have been nice to have atless two sets of paws running around." Hoku had been sadden that she had lost Lailani brother before birth and that she had to grow up with no siblings. She was also envious of Kawai's good luck of cubs, having both a girl and boy that where so healthy. Kai looked at her and smiled softly. "Is it sad for her or for you my love?" He asked and looked down at her with soft eyes "I think you wish you had three or four cubs to care for." He said and licked her forehead to comfort her. She let out a heavy sigh "You could always see my thoughts can't you?" She asked and wrinkled her nose. She didn't like how easy he could read her. "Its because I know you. You love to have a family and a big once since you where lost so long before the pride... You have me, and Leilani...I am sure the Ancient Father would be willing to grant you at less one more cub." Kai pushed his forehead to hers and her eyes twinkled with hope. 

In Character breeding Prompt

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