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Name: Andromeda

Nickanme: Meda *only to those close to her

Age: Unknown Appears to be 20

Sexuality: Pansexual 

Horoscope: Libra

Favorite Color: Pastel Pink 

A Flower Like no other

There are many flowers that one can choose to describe Meda, Though her shine has roses involved she would not describe herself as related to one. Roses are delicate and fragile and sometimes overloaded in meaning. It would be to tabu and to on the nose for her liking. Meda would compare herself closely related to a Bleeding heart. They are small flowers that look just like hearts dripping with blood. They come is reds, pinks and whites and are rather captivating to look at as they grow in rows one after the next. You might also think that his flower is tabu for the Fate for tragedy however you might be mistaken. These lovely flowers are also poisons right down to the petal. Their soft romantic features covering up the darkness of their ability. Just like how Meda sweet appearance hides her gift for foreseeing tragedies. None the less these flowers she holds near and dear as her all time favorite. Also like a tragedy the bleeding hearts need the right condition to thrive. Many may thing that chaos is what is the driving force of a tragedy which is sometimes the case, however sometimes its simply the timing or place that can befall at great tragedy. She also is a fan of cooler climents and tends to wilt under intense heats. However she wont welcome the snow with open arms either, Meda can also be picky when it comes to her daily rituals and if any one of them is messed up can cause stress. She likes She may see chaos but it does not mean she wants to live in it mind you. Though this plan can be hard to grow, it is one that with patients and time you can win over and encourage. Meda is also like this in may ways. She does not let many get close to her and she tends to take time to warm up to. Its not her fault that she is hesitant about most people and with that one just has to accept the process with her will be a slow one.  But for some its work the time and that she can be a good friend when needed. She may not be the most eye catching or flashiest thing in the garden but she does happen to have her charms and grace to her that one can not refuse to be unique to her. These flower are also ones that tend to keep to themselves even though they can spread up to a foot they dont take up alot of space like other flowers do which is like Meda as she likes to keep to her own part of the world and curl up with a good book on occasion. She tends to not take up a large amount of space and find that apartment at times is much more cozy then a large home with only her in it. To her the bleeding heart flower matches her the best then any other. [ 505 / 500 ]

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